澳大利亚海沙崩塌后, 一名青少年被救出; 官员警告安全. Teen rescued after sand collapse at Australian beach; officials warn about safety.
一名16岁男孩在澳大利亚南海岸Mimosa Rocks国家公园的Aragunnu海滩发生沙崩后获救。 A 16-year-old boy was rescued after a sand collapse at Aragunnu Beach in Mimosa Rocks National Park, South Coast, Australia. 这名正在挖洞的男孩被发现昏迷不醒,没有呼吸,但被家人救活,然后被送往东南地区医院,后来出院。 The boy, who was digging a hole, was found unconscious and not breathing but was resuscitated by his family before being taken to South East Regional Hospital and later discharged. 新南威尔士州 " 拯救生命 " 组织建议家庭关注海滩上的儿童,并在存在救生员的旗帜之间玩耍。 Surf Life Saving NSW advises families to keep an eye on children at the beach and to play between the flags where lifesavers are present.