调查:由于假日支出和账单,联合王国三分之一的成年人预期在1月底前会用完钱。 Survey: One-third of UK adults expect to run out of money by January's end due to holiday spending and bills.
Intuit Credit Karma最近进行的一项调查显示,许多英国成年人由于圣诞节支出和冬季账单,到1月中旬现金不足。 A recent survey by Intuit Credit Karma shows that many UK adults are running low on cash by mid-January due to Christmas spending and winter bills. 约三分之一的人预计到月底将会用完钱,53%的人预计到1月15日会面临财务困境. About a third expect to run out of money by month's end, with 53% hitting a financial wall by January 15. 该公司通过寻找一月份的服务交易、审查订户和考虑更好的抵押贷款利率或债务合并,为管理成本提供建议。 The company advises managing costs by looking for January deals on services, reviewing subscriptions, and considering better mortgage rates or consolidation of debts.