研究者开发可持续的T恤 从软木来对抗 快速时尚对环境的影响。 Researchers develop sustainable T-shirt from softwood to fight fast fashion's environmental impact.
来自昆特伦理工大学和不列颠哥伦比亚大学的研究人员正在开发一种用软木木材制成的可持续T恤衫,以对抗快速时装对环境的影响。 Researchers from Kwantlen Polytechnic University and the University of British Columbia are developing a sustainable T-shirt made from softwood lumber to combat fast fashion's environmental impact. 研究11件棉花T恤,以确定质量,目的是在一年内生产原型。 Studying 11 cotton T-shirts to define quality, they aim to produce prototypes within a year. 该项目寻求提供一种比水密集型棉花和长期降解合成纤维更可持续的纺织品选择。 This project seeks to offer a more sustainable textile option compared to water-intensive cotton and long-degrading synthetic fibers.