在2024年,SHEIN采用节约水的牛皮印刷、提高产量和减少用水量10 000吨以上。 SHEIN adopts water-saving denim printing, boosting production and reducing water use by over 10,000 tons in 2024.
与传统方法相比,SHIN在2024年将其冷却传输 Denim印刷的使用增加了90%,生产了约380,000个牛仔片,节省了10,000多公吨水。 SHEIN increased its use of Cool Transfer Denim Printing by 90% in 2024, producing around 380,000 denim pieces and saving over 10,000 metric tons of water compared to traditional methods. 这一创新进程提高了水和能源效率,简化了生产,并避免了有害化学品,从而改善了工人的安全。 This innovative process is more water and energy-efficient, simplifies production, and improves worker safety by avoiding harmful chemicals. 它与SHEIN的即时需求模式相一致,使得能够根据客户需求进行精确生产。 It aligns with SHEIN's on-demand model, enabling precise production based on customer demand.