加纳设计师在节日时装上循环垃圾衣物, Ghanaian designers upcycle waste clothing at festival, combating pollution from fast fashion waste.
加纳设计师正在通过回收废弃的服装材料来应对快速时装对环境的影响。 Ghanaian designers are addressing the environmental impact of fast fashion by upcycling discarded clothing materials. Obroni Wawu 10月的节日展示了在Kantamanto市场(最大的二手服装市场之一)由废物制成的服装装饰品。 The Obroni Wawu October festival showcases outfits made from waste at the Kantamanto market, one of the largest second-hand clothing markets. 加纳每周进口数以百万计的废旧服装,其中40%最终成为废物、污染水道和垃圾填埋场。 Ghana imports millions of used garments weekly, with 40% ending up as waste, polluting waterways and landfills. 基金会正在推广可持续时尚做法,以解决这一问题。 The Or Foundation is promoting sustainable fashion practices to tackle this issue.