来自前景的男子被控44项罪行,包括入室盗窃和偷窃,据称被盗货物超过170万美元。 Man from Prospect charged with 44 offenses, including burglary and stealing, over $170K in alleged stolen goods.
一名21岁的普罗斯佩克特男子被指控犯有44项罪行, A 21-year-old man from Prospect was charged with 44 offenses, including 21 counts of burglary and 23 of stealing, after police raids on January 10 uncovered $170,000 worth of allegedly stolen property. 据称这些罪行发生在2024年8月至12月之间,横跨Tasmania北部和西部。 The offenses allegedly occurred between August and December 2024 across north and west Tasmania. 他被拘留,定于1月13日出庭。 He was held in custody and set to appear in court on January 13.