Manukau男子因偷窃车辆超过10 000美元以及欺诈被盗卡而被捕;面临15项指控。 Manukau man arrested for thefts over $10,000 from vehicles and fraud with stolen cards; faces 15 charges.
奥克兰的一名34岁男子因涉嫌盗窃超过10 000美元(包括汽车和工作车的物品)和欺诈被盗信用卡而被捕。 A 34-year-old man in Auckland was arrested for alleged thefts exceeding $10,000, including items from cars and work vehicles, and fraud with stolen credit cards. 他面临15项指控,并将在Manukau地区法院出庭。 He faces 15 charges and will appear in Manukau District Court. 警方在受害人报告其车辆后抓获了他,随着调查的继续,还可以增加其他指控。 Police caught him after a victim reported his vehicle, and further charges may be added as investigations continue.