两名奥克兰居民面临近30项暴力偷窃商店的指控,包括用刀子威胁工作人员。 Two Auckland residents face nearly 30 charges for violent shoplifting, including threatening staff with a knife.
来自奥克兰的两人面临近30起关于暴力偷盗商店事件的指控。 Two individuals from Auckland face nearly 30 charges over violent shoplifting incidents. 一名22岁的男子被指控犯有17项罪行,包括在超市行窃和用刀威胁工作人员,而一名36岁的妇女则面临与这两起事件有关的指控。 A 22-year-old man is charged with 17 offenses, including shoplifting and threatening staff with a knife at a supermarket, while a 36-year-old woman faces charges related to both incidents. 这名男子被还押候审,警方反对保释他。 The man is remanded in custody, and police oppose bail for him. 涉及Sylvia Park玩具店和Roselands超市的事件被警方认为是不可接受的。 The incidents, involving a Sylvia Park toy store and a Roselands supermarket, were deemed unacceptable by police.