巴黎麦当劳的老年男子杀害另一人;警方将枪击与勒索未遂联系起来。 Elderly man kills another at Paris McDonald's; police link shooting to extortion attempt.
一名77岁男子于星期五在巴黎第18区麦当劳开枪打死一名60岁男子。 A 77-year-old man shot and killed a 60-year-old man at a McDonald's in Paris's 18th district on Friday. 嫌疑犯在现场被捕前开了四枪。 The suspect fired four shots before being arrested at the scene. 警方认为枪击案与先前的勒索未遂有关,两人是彼此认识的。 Police believe the shooting was related to a prior attempted extortion, and both men were known to each other. 这一事件突显了对公共安全和枪支管制措施的效力的持续关切。 The incident underscores ongoing concerns about public safety and the effectiveness of gun control measures.