绿色和平运动积极分子因破坏伦敦汽油泵而入狱, 抗议化石燃料。 Greenpeace activist jailed for damaging petrol pumps in London protest against fossil fuels.
一名来自Just Stop Oil团体的绿色和平运动积极分子因破坏汽油泵而被判刑入狱, A Greenpeace activist from the group Just Stop Oil was sentenced to jail for damaging petrol pumps in a protest against fossil fuels. 伦敦壳牌加油站的水泵被积极分子砸碎,造成超过5 000英镑的损坏。 The activist smashed the pumps at a Shell station in London, causing over £5,000 in damages. 法院裁定,该行为旨在扰乱企业并危害他人。 The court ruled the act was intended to disrupt the business and endanger others.