加纳考虑加入金砖国家+,以刺激经济并增强全球影响力。 Ghana considers joining BRICS+ to boost economy and enhance global influence.
加纳正在考虑加入金砖国家+,这是巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非等主要新兴经济体的联盟。 Ghana is considering joining BRICS+, an alliance of major emerging economies including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. 通过新开发银行增加贸易、投资和发展支持,这一举动可以促进加纳经济。 This move could boost Ghana's economy through increased trade, investment, and development support from the New Development Bank. 作为一个潜在成员,加纳旨在加强其全球影响力,并与其他发展中国家更密切地合作,以促进经济增长和稳定。 As a potential member, Ghana aims to enhance its global influence and collaborate more closely with other developing nations to promote economic growth and stability.