展出中国军官D日日日记的展览展延至1月24日。 Exhibition showcasing a Chinese officer's D-Day diary is extended to January 24 in Hong Kong.
以二战中国海军军官林平玉(Lam Ping-yu)的日记为特色的“在香港失落和发现:D日未落的中国英雄”展览在中国香港大学已延长到1月24日。 The "Lost and Found in Hong Kong: The Unsung Chinese Heroes at D-Day" exhibition, featuring the diary of Chinese naval officer Lam Ping-yu from World War II, has been extended until January 24 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 这本在2015年发现的日记是唯一已知的中国参与D日入侵的记录。 The diary, found in 2015, is the only known record of Chinese participation in the D-Day invasion. 8 000多名访客上过学,包括40多所中学。 Over 8,000 visitors have attended, including over 40 secondary schools. 该展览将于2月前往伦敦进行国际巡回参观。 The exhibition will travel to London in February for its international tour.