Evan Kail向中国驻芝加哥领事馆捐赠了一张二战相册, 展示日本在中国的暴行。 Evan Kail donated a WWII photo album showing Japanese atrocities in China to the Chinese Consulate in Chicago.
美国当铺经理埃文·凯尔(Evan Kail)向中国驻芝加哥领事馆捐赠了一本二战时代的照片专辑,记录日本在中国的暴行。 Evan Kail, an American pawnshop manager, donated a WWII-era photo album documenting Japanese atrocities in China to the Chinese Consulate in Chicago. 该专辑于2022年收到, 受到赞扬, 因为它揭示了战争的残酷历史。 The album, received in 2022, has been praised for shedding light on the war's brutal history. Kail 现在正在对中国进行为期一个月的访问,访问了北京、天津、上海和南京,包括日本侵略者南京大屠杀遇难者纪念馆。 Kail is now on a month-long trip to China, visiting Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Nanjing, including the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders.