Clare当局设立了检查站,以制止非法狩猎和保护野生动物,寻求公众帮助。 Clare authorities set up checkpoints to curb illegal hunting and protect wildlife, seeking public help.
Clare的警察和野生生物服务部门正在设立检查站,以打击非法狩猎、保护野生生物和防止牲畜骚乱。 Police and wildlife services in Clare are setting up checkpoints to combat illegal hunting, protect wildlife, and prevent livestock disturbance. 它们的目的是干扰和起诉那些未经允许而从事动物虐待和狩猎的人。 They aim to disrupt and prosecute those involved in animal cruelty and hunting without permission. 敦促公众向地方当局或通过保密线路报告任何非法活动,包括车辆登记和地点等详细情况。 The public is urged to report any illegal activities with details such as vehicle registrations and locations to local authorities or via confidential lines.