联合王国计划禁止打猎踪迹,并提到担心它可能掩盖非法猎狐活动。 UK plans to ban trail hunting, citing concerns it may disguise illegal fox hunting.
英国政府计划禁止捕猎小猎犬, 猎犬追寻香味足迹, 以此替代禁止猎狐。 The UK government plans to ban trail hunting, where hounds follow a scent trail as an alternative to banned fox hunting. 批评者辩称,它掩盖了非法狩猎;反残酷体育联盟报告说,自8月以来,有186只狐狸被猎杀。 Critics argue it masks illegal hunting; the League Against Cruel Sports reported 186 foxes pursued since August. 乡村联盟将它作为法律和社区建设活动加以捍卫。 The Countryside Alliance defends it as a legal, community-building activity. 政府也正在考虑对那些意外杀害狐狸的人处以更严厉的罚款,以加强动物福利法。 The government is also considering tougher fines for those who accidentally kill foxes, aiming to strengthen animal welfare laws.