印度阿萨姆(Assam)在波比托拉(Pobitora)野生生物保护区附近成立小分队来减少野生生物与人类的冲突。 Assam, India, creates squads to reduce wildlife-human conflicts near Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary.
印度阿萨姆在波比托拉野生动物保护区附近地区组建了反掠夺队,以减少人类与野生动物之间的冲突。 Assam, India, has formed anti-depredation squads in areas near the Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary to reduce conflicts between humans and wildlife. 当地居民,包括农民,接受培训,保护其农田不受动物侵犯,并获得夹克和火炬等设备。 Local residents, including farmers, are trained to protect their farmlands from encroaching animals and receive equipment like jackets and torches. 该倡议旨在通过更好地了解和防御战略,保护人类和动物。 The initiative aims to safeguard both humans and animals through better understanding and defense strategies.