加拿大邮局将邮票价格提高25%,旨在抵消不断上涨的成本和增加收入。 Canada Post raises stamp prices by 25%, aiming to offset rising costs and boost revenue.
加拿大邮局将邮票价格提高了25%,将小册子、卷圈或纸板的邮票成本提高到1.24美元,单张邮票成本提高到1.44美元。 Canada Post has increased postage prices by 25%, raising the cost of stamps to $1.24 for booklets, coils, or panes and $1.44 for single stamps. 价格上涨的目的是抵消不断上涨的费用,预计到2025年将产生8 000万美元的额外收入。 The price hike aims to offset rising costs and is expected to generate $80 million in extra revenue by 2025. 尽管这一增长,但加拿大邮政局声称其邮票价格仍然是全球最低的。 Despite the increase, Canada Post claims its stamp prices remain among the lowest globally. 由于信件量下降以及私人信使的竞争,公司面临财务挑战。 The company faces financial challenges due to declining letter mail volumes and competition from private couriers. 专家认为涨价可能无法解决加拿大邮局的长期问题。 Experts suggest the price hike may not solve Canada Post's long-term issues.