西棕榈海滩的骑自行车者在肇事逃逸中严重受伤;警察寻找证人。 Bicyclist critically injured in hit-and-run in West Palm Beach; police seek witnesses.
一名60岁的骑自行车者在周六晚上在西棕榈海滩发生的一起肇事逃逸事件中受重伤。 A 60-year-old bicyclist was critically injured in a hit-and-run incident on Saturday evening in West Palm Beach. 事故发生在东大道附近的第 45 街,骑自行车的人被一辆向东行驶的车辆从后面撞倒。 The accident occurred on 45th Street near East Avenue, where the cyclist was struck from behind by a vehicle driving east. 受害人被赶往圣玛丽医疗中心。 The victim was rushed to St. Mary's Medical Center. 警方正在寻找任何有关肇事逃逸车辆的信息,并鼓励证人与Chris Fisher警探联系,电话561-822-1651。 Police are seeking any information about the hit-and-run vehicle and encourage witnesses to contact Detective Chris Fisher at 561-822-1651.