在拉斯维加斯肇事逃逸中,自行车运动员严重受伤;当局寻找SUV嫌疑人。 Cyclist critically injured in Las Vegas hit-and-run; authorities seek SUV suspect.
一名骑自行车者于周二晚上在拉斯维加斯中部Charleston大道和Hinson街附近的Charleston Boulevard街和Hinson街发生一起肇事逃逸事故,受伤严重。 A cyclist was critically injured in a hit-and-run accident on Tuesday night in central Las Vegas near Charleston Boulevard and Hinson Street. 这名骑自行车的58岁男子被一辆银色或金色SUV击中,SUV据信是2000年代中期的Chevplot Tahoe或GMC育空,该车逃离了现场。 The cyclist, a 58-year-old man, was hit by a silver or gold SUV believed to be a mid-2000s Chevrolet Tahoe or GMC Yukon, which fled the scene. 该骑自行车者受了危及生命的伤,并被带到UMC创伤中心。 The cyclist suffered life-threatening injuries and was taken to UMC Trauma. 当局正在寻求信息 并敦促任何有详细信息的人 联系拉斯维加斯都市警察 或犯罪制止者 Authorities are seeking information and urge anyone with details to contact Las Vegas Metropolitan Police or Crime Stoppers.