专家警告说,在圣诞树上祈祷蚂蚁鸡蛋囊,建议检查以防止室内孵化。 Experts warn of praying mantis egg sacs on Christmas trees, advising checks to prevent indoor hatching.
社交媒体警告建议检查真正的圣诞树上是否有棕色的松果状团块,这些团块可能是包含多达 200 个鸡蛋的螳螂蛋囊。 A social media warning advises checking real Christmas trees for brown, pinecone-like masses, which may be praying mantis egg sacs containing up to 200 eggs. 由于室内温暖,这些盐囊可以孵化,导致数百只昆虫在家中繁殖。 These sacs can hatch due to indoor warmth, leading to hundreds of insects in homes. 为了避免这种情况,专家们建议先检查树木,然后再带它们进去,将其摇动到外面,通过切割和处置树枝清除任何可疑的堆积物。 To avoid this, experts recommend examining trees before bringing them inside, shaking them outside, and removing any suspicious clumps by cutting and disposing of the branches.