布基纳法索军政府起草了一项修正的家庭法,将同性恋定为犯罪。 Burkina Faso's military junta drafts an amended family code criminalizing homosexuality.
布基纳法索军政府通过了一项家庭法修正案草案,将同性恋定为犯罪。 Burkina Faso's military junta has adopted a draft of an amended family code that criminalises homosexuality. 这个西非国家曾经允许同性恋关系,但现在正朝着与其他非洲国家一样严厉惩罚同性恋行为的方向制定更为严格的法律。 The West African nation, which previously allowed same-sex relations, now moves towards stricter laws in line with other African states where such acts are severely punished. 该草案必须获得议会批准并由临时军事领导人颁布才能成为法律。 The draft must receive parliamentary approval and be promulgated by the interim military leader to become law.