洛杉矶小企业在毁灭性的野火后面临重建方面的巨大挑战。 Los Angeles small businesses face profound challenges in rebuilding after devastating wildfires.
洛杉矶的小企业在毁灭性的野火摧毁了数十年的历史和努力之后,正为恢复而挣扎。 Small businesses in Los Angeles are struggling to recover after devastating wildfires destroyed decades of history and effort. 福克斯餐厅的Paul Rosenbluh和邦尼博物馆的Candace Frazee等所有者正面临重建的挑战,没有基本的基础设施和不确定的保险。 Owners like Paul Rosenbluh of Fox's Restaurant and Candace Frazee of the Bunny Museum are facing the challenge of rebuilding without basic infrastructure and uncertain insurance coverage. 对当地商业界的影响是深刻的,许多人质疑它们是否能够完全恢复。 The impact on the local business community is profound, with many questioning if they can fully recover.