伦敦滑铁卢站因虚假烟雾警报而疏散,上午恢复服务。 London Waterloo station evacuated due to false smoke alarm, services resumed by morning.
烟雾报告导致周日早上伦敦滑铁卢车站的四个站台疏散,扰乱了开往 Clapham Junction 的火车。 Smoke reports led to the evacuation of four platforms at London Waterloo station on Sunday morning, disrupting trains to Clapham Junction. 伦敦消防队没有发现任何火灾,将警报归因于风扇加热器的尘埃。 The London Fire Brigade found no fire, attributing the alarm to dust from a fan heater. 各项服务于上午10时30分恢复正常。 Services returned to normal by 10:30 am. 此外,由于RMT在休息日工作期间罢工,西海岸的Avanti服务持续受到干扰,每周日到5月25日的时间表都缩短。 Additionally, Avanti West Coast services face ongoing disruptions due to RMT strikes over rest day working, with reduced timetables in place every Sunday until May 25.