联邦法官暂时停止了《公司透明度法》,减轻了小企业对隐私的担忧。 Federal judges temporarily halted the Corporate Transparency Act, easing privacy concerns for small businesses.
两位联邦法官做出有利于小企业的裁决,暂时停止了《公司透明度法》。 Two federal judges have ruled in favor of small businesses, temporarily stopping the Corporate Transparency Act. 该法案要求某些企业向政府报告其所有者,在隐私关切方面面临着法律挑战。 The act, which was set to require certain businesses to report their owners to the government, faced legal challenges over privacy concerns. 法官的裁决已停止执行这项裁决,为小企业主提供救济,他们认为这项裁决将过于繁琐。 The judges' rulings have halted its implementation, providing relief to small business owners who argued it would be overly burdensome.