最高法院为小企业向金融犯罪执法网登记个人详情以打击洗钱活动开辟了道路。 Supreme Court clears path for small businesses to register personal details with FinCEN to combat money laundering.
美国最高法院允许执行《公司透明度法》,要求小企业所有者向财政部的金融罪行执法网(FinCEN)登记。 The US Supreme Court has allowed the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act, requiring small business owners to register with FinCEN, a Treasury Department division. 该法案旨在通过匿名空壳公司打击洗钱活动,要求大约3 260万家小企业的业主和业主提供个人详细资料,如照片身份证和住址。 This act, aimed at combating money laundering through anonymous shell companies, mandates that owners and part-owners of about 32.6 million small businesses provide personal details like photo IDs and home addresses. 一名得克萨斯州法官阻止了登记要求,但最高法院的裁决允许在法律质疑持续期间强制执行。 The registration requirement had been blocked by a Texas judge, but the Supreme Court's decision permits enforcement while the legal challenge continues.