前网球明星耶莱娜·多基奇 (Jelena Dokic) 在新纪录片《坚不可摧》(Unbreakable) 中详细介绍了她父亲的虐待行为,呼吁在体育运动中提供更好的保护。 Ex-tennis star Jelena Dokic details abuse by her father in new doc "Unbreakable," calls for better protections in sports.
前网球明星Jelena Dokic(Jelena Dokic)在她的新纪录片“不可破”中揭露了她在整个职业生涯中从父亲和教练Damir(Damir)那里受到的身体和情感虐待。 Former tennis star Jelena Dokic reveals in her new documentary "Unbreakable" the physical and emotional abuse she faced from her father and coach, Damir, throughout her career. Dokic强调她克服的挑战,包括焦虑症和创伤后应激障碍,并倡导体育机构、儿童保护机构和媒体提高认识和干预,以防止这种虐待。 Dokic highlights the challenges she overcame, including anxiety and PTSD, and advocates for greater awareness and intervention by sports bodies, child protection agencies, and the media to prevent such abuse. 尽管受到创伤,她仍对网球充满激情。 Despite the trauma, she remains passionate about tennis.