一名 30 岁的孩子面临母亲的精神虐待。 A 30-year-old child faces emotional abuse from her mother.
一名 30 岁的孩子面临母亲的精神虐待,母亲因受伤而拒绝就医并操纵局势。 A 30-year-old child faces emotional abuse from their mother, who refuses to see a doctor for her injury and manipulates situations. 亲爱的艾比建议孩子寻求老年服务,例如社会工作者或交通,这可以帮助减轻照顾母亲的负担,并承认母亲拒绝看医生和相信黑魔法可能有关对过去的行为感到内疚。 Dear Abby advises the child to look into senior services, like social workers or transportation, that could help reduce the burden of taking care of their mother, as well as acknowledging that the mother's refusal to see a doctor and belief in black magic might be related to guilt over past actions.