乌干达奥林匹亚人Rebecca Cheptegei因前男友在汽油攻击中纵火而死。 Ugandan Olympian Rebecca Cheptegei dies after ex-boyfriend sets her on fire in a gasoline attack.
乌干达奥林匹亚人Rebecca Cheptegei因前男友纵火而受重伤, Ugandan Olympian Rebecca Cheptegei has died after suffering severe injuries from being set on fire by her ex-boyfriend. 这起被描述为汽油袭击的事件发生在她死前几天,当时她正在住院治疗。 The incident, described as a gasoline attack, occurred days before her death while she was hospitalized. Cheptegei是体育界的一个显著人物,她悲惨的逝世突显了家庭暴力问题。 Cheptegei was a notable figure in the athletics community, and her tragic passing highlights issues of domestic violence. 该案提请人们注意,迫切需要解决此类暴力侵害妇女行为。 The case has drawn attention to the urgent need for addressing such violence against women.