自2022年8月以来, 德州堕胎禁令并未导致任何医生起诉或产妇死亡。 Texas abortion ban hasn't led to any doctor prosecutions or maternal deaths since August 2022.
德克萨斯州卫生与公众服务部最近的一份报告显示,自2022年8月德克萨斯州禁止堕胎令生效以来,没有医生因实施“医疗上必要的”堕胎而被起诉。 A recent report from the Texas Department of Health and Human Services shows that no doctors have been prosecuted for performing "medically necessary" abortions since Texas' abortion ban took effect in August 2022. 禁令允许为挽救母亲的生命而作出例外规定。 The ban allows exceptions to save the life of the mother. 报告还指出,自禁令颁布以来,未报告因这些程序造成的并发症而造成死亡。 The report also indicates that since the ban, no deaths have been reported due to complications from these procedures. 美国亲生命产科医生和妇科医生协会首席执行官Christina Francis博士指出,法律允许妇女获得必要的紧急护理。 Dr. Christina Francis, CEO of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, noted that the law has allowed women to receive necessary emergency care.