教皇弗朗西斯为马约特的Chido气旋受害者祈祷,并在全世界促进和平。 Pope Francis prayed for Cyclone Chido victims in Mayotte and promoted peace worldwide.
教皇弗朗西斯为法国最贫穷的海外领地马约特的Chido气旋受害者祈祷, Pope Francis prayed for victims of Cyclone Chido in Mayotte, France's poorest overseas territory, which faced its worst tropical cyclone in 90 years. 1 500多人受伤,尽管确切的伤亡情况尚不清楚。 Over 1,500 were injured, though exact casualties are unclear. 他介绍了一系列新的教义课, "耶稣基督是我们的希望", 并呼吁和平在冲突地区, He introduced a new catechesis series, "Jesus Christ our Hope," and called for peace in conflict areas like Palestine, Israel, Ukraine, and Myanmar.