巴基斯坦法院暂停将150名阿富汗音乐家驱逐出境,给予他们两个月的时间申请庇护。 Pakistani court suspends deportation of 150 Afghan musicians, giving them two months to apply for asylum.
一个巴基斯坦法院已暂停驱逐150名阿富汗音乐家和歌手,为期两个月,命令当局暂缓驱逐他们,直到他们的庇护申请得到裁定。 A Pakistani court has suspended the deportation of 150 Afghan musicians and singers for two months, ordering authorities to hold off on expelling them until their asylum applications are decided. 2021年塔利班接管后,音乐家们因害怕受到迫害而逃离阿富汗。 The musicians fled Afghanistan after the Taliban took over in 2021, fearing persecution. 巴基斯坦必须在两个月内决定他们的案件,音乐家可以向难民署申请难民地位。 Pakistan must decide their cases within two months, and the musicians can apply for refugee status with the UNHCR. 这是因为巴基斯坦自2023年以来驱逐了80多万没有证件的阿富汗难民。 This comes as Pakistan has deported over 800,000 undocumented Afghan refugees since 2023.