由于各种罪行,130多名巴基斯坦人被从12个国家驱逐出境,其中许多人经卡拉奇返回。 Over 130 Pakistanis were deported from 12 countries due to various offenses, with many returning through Karachi.
超过48小时,131名巴基斯坦公民因贩毒、非法入境和放弃工作等各种罪行被12个国家驱逐出境。 Over 48 hours, 131 Pakistani citizens were deported from 12 countries for various offenses including drug trafficking, illegal entry, and job abandonment. 沙特阿拉伯和阿联酋在驱逐中占大多数。 Saudi Arabia and the UAE accounted for the majority of deportations. 同时,86名乘客,包括研究签证持有者和朝圣者,在其他国家对巴基斯坦人的非法活动提出控诉后,由于证件不足和其他问题,在卡拉奇的吉纳国际机场被卸下。 Meanwhile, 86 passengers, including study visa holders and pilgrims, were offloaded at Karachi's Jinnah International Airport due to insufficient documentation and other issues, following complaints from other countries about illegal activities by Pakistanis.