200多名巴基斯坦人因违反签证和其他法律问题被从多个国家驱逐出境。 Over 200 Pakistanis were deported from multiple countries for visa violations and other legal issues.
在过去的一周里,200多名巴基斯坦国民由于违反签证、法律问题和人口贩运,被美国、沙特阿拉伯和中国等国驱逐出境。 Over 200 Pakistani nationals were deported from several countries, including the US, Saudi Arabia, and China, over the past week due to visa violations, legal issues, and human trafficking. 在被驱逐者中,12人在抵达卡拉奇时被逮捕。 Among the deportees, 12 were arrested upon arrival in Karachi. 阿联酋驱逐了103名已服完刑期的巴基斯坦人,而塞内加尔遣返了两名人口贩运受害者。 The UAE deported 103 Pakistanis who had completed jail sentences, while Senegal repatriated two victims of human trafficking.