洛杉矶每10个住房中就有1个没有保险,使居民面临经济困难的风险。 One in ten Los Angeles homes is uninsured, leaving residents at risk for financial hardship.
据最近的估计,洛杉矶大约十分之一的家庭缺乏保险。 Approximately one in ten homes in Los Angeles lacks insurance, according to recent estimates. 这种情况使许多居民在发生灾害或紧急情况时容易陷入经济困难。 This situation leaves many residents vulnerable to financial hardship in case of disasters or emergencies. 保险覆盖面的缺乏可能是由于保险费高、选择有限或不了解风险。 The lack of coverage could be due to high premiums, limited options, or unawareness of the risks.