哈努曼勋爵在勒克瑙寺庙的偶像被损坏了, 被不知名的破坏者打碎了魔杖。 Lord Hanuman's idol in a Lucknow temple was damaged, with its mace broken by unknown vandals.
哈努曼勋爵在勒克瑙寺庙的偶像 星期五晚上被破坏, 被不明身份的人打碎了神像的魔杖。 An idol of Lord Hanuman in a Lucknow temple was vandalized Friday evening, with the idol's mace broken by unknown individuals. 警察作出了回应,修复了损坏,并提交了一份报告,以查明肇事者。 Police responded, repaired the damage, and filed a report to identify the perpetrators. 事件发生在Sikandarpur警察局地区,地方当局正在努力抓获肇事者。 The incident occurred in the Sikandarpur police station area, and local authorities are working to catch those responsible.