8个印度寺庙神像在孟加拉国遭到破坏,其中1人被捕,紧张局势升级。 Eight Hindu temple idols were vandalized in Bangladesh, with one arrest made, escalating tensions.
在孟加拉国Mymensingh区和Dinajpur区,八名印度教寺庙神像在两天内遭到破坏。 Eight Hindu temple idols were vandalized over two days in Bangladesh's Mymensingh and Dinajpur districts. 一人因与Polashkanda Kali寺的破坏有关而被捕。 One person was arrested in connection with the destruction at the Polashkanda Kali Temple. 这些事件是针对孟加拉国印度教少数族群的一系列攻击的一部分, These incidents are part of a series of attacks against the minority Hindu community in Bangladesh, raising tensions and drawing concern from neighboring India.