爱尔兰警方逮捕与通过约会应用程序操作的浪漫骗局有关的男子。 Irish police arrest man linked to romance scams operating through dating apps.
都柏林的 Gardaí 逮捕了一名 30 岁的男子,他涉嫌通过约会应用程序投诉浪漫欺诈,以受害者为目标。 Gardaí in Dublin have arrested a 30-year-old man in connection with romance fraud complaints, targeting victims via dating apps. 搜查房屋导致没收电子物品,嫌疑人根据1984年《刑事司法法》被拘留。 A house search led to the seizure of electronic items, and the suspect was detained under the Criminal Justice Act, 1984. 警察敦促受类似欺诈影响的任何人举报。 Police urge anyone affected by similar fraud to report it.