24岁男子在奥克兰被捕,罪名是在秘密警察行动的幌子下诈骗钱财。 24-year-old man arrested in Auckland for scamming money under pretense of covert police operation.
奥克兰一名24岁男子在欺骗受害者后被捕, 受害人认为他们需要为“秘密警察行动”提取钱财。 A 24-year-old man in Auckland was arrested after scamming victims into believing they needed to withdraw money for a "covert police operation." 涉嫌人被控企图以欺骗手段获取,是该地区不断增多的类似骗局的一部分,此前在联合王国逮捕了两人。 The suspect, who has been charged with attempting to obtain by deception, is part of a growing wave of similar scams in the region, with two previous arrests in the UK. 奥克兰警方敦促公众谨慎行事,绝不将钱交给自称执法的陌生人。 Police in Auckland have urged the public to be cautious and to never hand over money to strangers claiming to be law enforcement.