澳大利亚联邦法院获得了刑事案件管辖权,引发了关于必要性和公正性的辩论。 Federal Court of Australia gains criminal case jurisdiction, sparking debate over necessity and fairness.
澳大利亚联邦法院现在有权审理刑事案件,这一举动引起了辩论。 The Federal Court of Australia now has the power to hear criminal cases, a move that has sparked debate. 虽然首席大法官Debra Mortimer说法院准备与经验丰富的法官合作, 但像Bill Douge这样的批评家认为扩大是不必要的, While Chief Justice Debra Mortimer says the court is prepared with experienced judges, critics like Bill Doogue argue the expansion is unnecessary and could lead to "forum shopping." 澳大利亚法律委员会表示关切,但注意到改革的目的是通过确保法院在移交案件时考虑司法来限制此类问题。 The Law Council of Australia has concerns but notes reforms aim to limit such issues by ensuring the court considers justice when transferring cases.