澳大利亚政府通过立法,根据刑事渗透指控,快速任命CFMEU管理人。 Australian government introduces legislation to fast-track appointment of an administrator for CFMEU due to criminal infiltration allegations.
澳大利亚政府通过立法,根据犯罪渗透指控,迅速任命中央联邦经济基金管理者。 Australian government introduces legislation to fast-track appointment of an administrator for the CFMEU due to allegations of criminal infiltration. 拟议立法授予行政权,包括暂停或解雇当选官员、驱逐成员、与调查工会的执法机构合作等广泛权力。 Proposed legislation grants administrator extensive powers, including suspending or dismissing elected officials, expelling members, and cooperating with law enforcement agencies investigating the union. 政府试图绕过法院和定期审查,因为情况紧急,而Greens提出公民自由和联盟的修正案,引起对部长权力的关切。 Government seeks to bypass courts and regular scrutiny due to urgency of the situation, while Greens propose amendments for civil liberties and Coalition raises concerns about the minister's power.