林业发展局发现,泰勒农场发生的重大违规事件与麦当劳洋葱引发的E.大肠炎有关。 FDA finds major violations at Taylor Farms linked to E. coli outbreak from McDonald's onions.
林业发展局视察员发现在科罗拉多的一个泰勒农场设施中发生了多起卫生和安全违规事件,这与一次E.大肠杆菌爆发有关,造成一百多人感染,一人死亡。 FDA inspectors found multiple hygiene and safety violations at a Taylor Farms facility in Colorado, linked to an E. coli outbreak that caused over a hundred infections and one death. 疾病爆发与麦当劳产品中使用的受污染洋葱有关。 The outbreak was tied to contaminated onions used in McDonald's products. 检查报告揭示了洗手做法和设备清洁问题,导致大量洋葱被召回,林业发展局发布了483号表格。 The inspection report revealed issues with handwashing practices and equipment cleanliness, leading to a large recall of onions and the issuance of a Form 483 by the FDA.