俄亥俄州人 被控重罪动物虐待 猫在警方追捕中被杀 Ohio man indicted for felony animal cruelty after cat killed during police chase.
12 月 3 日,来自俄亥俄州哈里森 Twp. 的一名 22 岁男子在逃离警察时意外撞死了一只猫,随后于 12 月 3 日被起诉犯有多项重罪,包括虐待伴侣动物。 A 22-year-old from Harrison Twp., Ohio, was indicted on December 3 for multiple felonies, including cruelty to companion animals, after he accidentally ran over and killed a cat while fleeing from police on November 7. 司机在开着停车牌试图逃避逮捕后被抓获。 The driver was caught after running a stop sign and attempting to evade arrest. 俄亥俄州的《戈达德法》在10月得到扩展 以保护所有的猫和狗 允许与动物死亡相关的重罪指控 Ohio's "Goddard's Law," expanded in October to protect all cats and dogs, allowed for the felony charge related to the animal's death.