中国大使馆警告泰国观光客, 公民营救后“高薪工作”骗局。 Chinese Embassy warns tourists in Thailand about "high-paying job" scams following a citizen's rescue.
中国驻泰国大使馆警告中国游客警惕“高薪工作”骗局, 劝他们不要相信高薪工作及免费旅行住宿等虚假承诺, The Chinese Embassy in Thailand has warned Chinese tourists to be cautious of "high-paying job" scams, advising against trusting false promises of well-paying jobs and free travel accommodations to avoid fraud. 这一警告是在一名中国公民王获救后发出的,他被网络欺诈骗骗了。 This warning follows the rescue of a Chinese citizen, Wang, who was deceived by a cyber-fraud scheme. 大使馆感谢泰国政府迅速营救王并优先处理他的案件。 The embassy thanked the Thai government for swiftly rescuing Wang and prioritizing his case.