斯里兰卡人被虚假的IT工作承诺吸引到缅甸, 陷入网络骗局。 Sri Lankans are lured to Myanmar with false IT job promises, falling into cyber scam operations.
阿联酋的斯里兰卡国民被骗到缅甸的网络骗局中心工作,并被高薪信息技术工作的许诺所误导。 Sri Lankan nationals in the UAE are being tricked into working in cyber scam centers in Myanmar, misled with promises of high-paying IT jobs. 国家打击人口贩运工作队警告说,受害者面临严重虐待的这类案件会增加。 The National Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force warns of an increase in such cases, where victims face severe abuse. 工作队建议打击非法移徙,并敦促公众报告任何可疑活动,以打击贩运人口活动。 The task force advises against illegal migration and urges the public to report any suspicious activities to combat human trafficking.