两名马来西亚人被引诱到柬埔寨骗局工作,在回家前被迫无薪工作。 Two Malaysians were lured into a Cambodia scam job, forced to work without pay before returning home.
两名马来西亚朋友在柬埔寨被骗入一个就业骗局,答应每月为赌场工作4 000马币。 Two Malaysian friends were lured into an employment scam in Cambodia, promised RM4,000 a month for casino jobs. 相反,他们被迫每天从事18小时的无薪诈骗工。 Instead, they were forced to work as scammers for 18 hours daily without pay. 自9月以来,他们与另外6人一起被拘留后,得到了法律和体制改革部长Azalina Othman Said的帮助,他协助他们返回马来西亚。 After being detained with six others since September, they received help from Law and Institutional Reform Minister Azalina Othman Said, who facilitated their return to Malaysia. 他们的家人警告其他人要警惕国外提供诱人的工作机会。 Their families warn others to be wary of tempting job offers abroad.