阿塞拜疆对在诺维萨德发生的造成14人死亡的悲剧事件向塞尔维亚表示哀悼。 Azerbaijan offers condolences to Serbia following a tragic incident in Novi Sad that killed 14.
阿塞拜疆外交部在诺维萨德的悲惨事件造成14人死亡后向塞尔维亚表示哀悼。 Azerbaijan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed condolences to Serbia after a tragic incident in Novi Sad resulted in the deaths of 14 individuals. 该部向受害者家属、塞尔维亚人民和政府表示衷心的同情,同时希望受伤者迅速康复。 The Ministry conveyed heartfelt sympathies to the victims' families, the Serbian people, and the government, while also wishing for a quick recovery for those injured.