密苏里州监狱的监狱长和监督员因走私丑闻而被解雇; 实施了新的安全措施. Warden and supervisor fired at Missouri prison over contraband scandal; new security measures implemented.
密苏里州Licking南中央惩教中心的典狱长和一名高级主管因被控违禁品进入监狱而被解雇。 The warden and a top supervisor at the South Central Correctional Center in Licking, Missouri, have been dismissed due to allegations of contraband entering the prison. 在接到热线电话后进行了调查,发现大量毒品和违禁品,据报允许雇员未经检查进入。 An investigation following a hotline call found significant amounts of drugs and contraband, with employees reportedly allowed to enter without checks. 该监狱容纳1 601名囚犯,安装了人体扫描仪,并改用数字法律邮件,以防止违禁品。 The prison, housing 1,601 inmates, has installed body scanners and moved to digital legal mail to prevent contraband.