犯人和其他两人被指控向加利福尼亚监狱监督员发送含芬太尼的页面. Inmate and two others charged for mailing fentanyl-laced pages to California prison supervisor.
包括一名联邦囚犯在内的三人因加利福尼亚监狱收发室主管死亡而面临指控。 Three individuals, including a federal prison inmate, face charges for the death of a mailroom supervisor at a California penitentiary. 上司在打开一封载有囚犯寄来的芬太尼带页的信后死亡,该囚犯与另外两人合谋邮寄假冒为合法邮件的毒品。 The supervisor died after opening a letter containing fentanyl-laced pages sent by the inmate, who conspired with two others to mail drugs disguised as legal mail. 这一事件突显了监狱局内部持续存在的问题,监狱局面临多重危机,包括工作人员行为不当、人员长期不足和毒品走私。 The incident highlights ongoing issues within the Bureau of Prisons, which has faced multiple crises, including staff misconduct, chronic understaffing, and drug smuggling.