两名南卡罗来纳州狱警和四名囚犯因走私违禁品入狱而被逮捕。 Two South Carolina corrections officers and four inmates were arrested for smuggling contraband into jail.
在南卡罗来纳州,2名狱警和4名囚犯因密谋向切罗基州拘留中心走私包括香烟、输卵管和大麻在内的违禁品而被逮捕。 In South Carolina, two corrections officers and four inmates have been arrested for a scheme to smuggle contraband, including cigarettes, vapes, and marijuana, into the Cherokee County Detention Center. 警官Christopher Duncan和Darius Fuller与囚犯合作,在Vanessa Addy的帮助下协助走私,后者伪装成一名食品运送工人。 The officers, Christopher Duncan and Darius Fuller, collaborated with inmates to facilitate the smuggling, aided by Vanessa Addy, who disguised herself as a food delivery worker. 所有六人均被指控在监狱持有违禁品,这些警官立即被解职。 All six have been charged with possession of contraband in a prison, and the officers were immediately terminated.