旁遮普省拒绝中央政府的农场政策,称国家权利和农民利益受到威胁。 Punjab rejects central government's farm policy, citing threats to state rights and farmer interests.
旁遮普政府拒绝中央政府农业营销政策草案, 认为这有损国家权利并可能伤害农民。 The Punjab government has rejected the central government's draft policy on agricultural marketing, arguing it undermines state rights and could harm farmers. 关切包括该政策缺乏最低支持价格,鼓励私人市场,以及对农村基础设施的潜在负面影响。 Concerns include the policy's lack of minimum support prices, encouragement of private markets, and potential negative impacts on rural infrastructure. 旁遮普邦要求制定适合其具体农业需求的政策。 Punjab demands a policy tailored to its specific agricultural needs.